Question: I can’t obtain the credit I desire. What can I do? First and foremost, obtain your credit reports from all three of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies – Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. There is only one authorized source for free annual credit reports under federal law, either online at, or by calling 877.322.8228 to have them mailed to you. If you obtain these reports online we recommend you print for later reference and review. Beware, these reports are extremely lengthy; the reports that are mailed are much more compact. No credit scores are provided. An excellent option is to pay and receive your reports through an online site. We prefer ‘Wells Fargo Enhanced’. Monthly updated reports and scores for $15.99. Beware of the advertized free reports…they aren’t free!

Then take a proactive, two pronged approach to improving your credit through ongoing management of your credit and through fixing the errors in your credit reports. You should see dramatic results in a relatively short period of time. We offer an individualized and detailed Credit Rescue Path for only $49. Other companies charge as much as $150. And, this is not a simple credit report summary or consultation, which some companies offer for free.
